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Matrix Multiplication on GPU: Faster than Nvidia, Sometimes

It works on my laptop
10 min read /

On the road to greater things, I developed a CUDA kernel for single-precision matrix-matrix multiplication with comparable performance to Nvidia’s cuBLAS library and bit-for-bit the same results. It’s a few percent faster for multiplying square matrices of 16384x16384 and larger, but a few percent slower for smaller. Results vary according to power profile, clock speed, memory speed, and compiler mood.

Figure 1: Performance in TFLOPS (higher is better) comparing the custom kernel to cuBLAS on multiplication of two square matrices. Results are for two different power levels: 80W and 40W.

The kernel uses a couple of techniques that I have not seen discussed much elsewhere, though are not necessarily new ideas:

This post will cover the problem setup, a high-level overview of the implementation, benchmark protocol, empirical results, and full code. Follow up posts will provide a tear down of the kernel, going into detail on particular aspects.

What’s the motivation?

I’ve been considering developing a C++ library for general tensor reductions. This was a feasibility study in whether I could achieve satisfactory (or at least not embarrassing) performance for an important special case of such. On that criterion, the effort has been a success.

  1. Problem
  2. Solution
  3. Evaluation
  4. Summary
  5. Code


The aim is to write a single-precision matrix-matrix multiplication kernel for Nvidia GPUs with performance comparable to the state of the art, assumed to be cuBLAS. The problem corresponds to the BLAS routine sgemm but omitting the scalar arguments, i.e. CABC \leftarrow AB rather than CαAB+βCC \leftarrow \alpha AB + \beta C, where CC is an M×KM \times K matrix, BB is a K×NK \times N matrix, and CC is an M×NM \times N matrix. The results should be exactly the same as for cuBLAS, bit-for-bit; a conservative way of controlling for numerical accuracy, as a faster kernel with poorer numerical accuracy is not necessarily a win.

To simplify the problem and focus on cases where the best performance can be achieved, matrix sizes are assumed to be powers of two and are allowed to be encoded statically (i.e. known at compile time).

Implications of this problem definition on the proposed solution include:


At a high level, the custom kernel works as follows:

  1. The output matrix is decomposed into 256x128 output tiles, assigned to thread blocks using a two-dimensional Hilbert curve to optimize L2 cache utilization.
  2. Each thread block decomposes its assigned work into the multiplication of 256x8 by 8x128 input tiles to produce the 256x128 output tile.
  3. The input tiles are copied from global to shared memory in a four-stage asynchronous pipeline. The warps of each thread block share the copies in such a way that no synchronization is required across the whole thread block; rather one half block and one quarter block synchronization are used at each stage of the pipeline.
  4. Each 256x128 output tile is further decomposed into 64x64 output tiles, assigned to warps of the thread block.
  5. Each 64x64 output tile is further decomposed into 8x16 output tiles (albeit discontiguous), assigned to threads of the warp.

Throughout, indexing computations and register dependencies require careful consideration, having a considerable impact on the performance of the kernel.


We can benchmark the kernel for a few different power profiles and clock speeds. On a laptop, obtaining fair comparisons is not as straightforward as it may seem.

The laptop used here has an Nvidia Geforce RTX 4080 Laptop GPU with 12 GB device memory and multiple power profiles. The easiest way to switch between power profiles is to simply plug in the power cord for 80W or run on the battery for 40W—so that’s what we do.

Using a command-line tool such as nvtop or an app such as Mission Center, we can observe that a GPU’s clock speed is frequently changing during the course of a long run, as much as several times per second. Memory speed also changes, but much less frequently. This is to moderate device temperature. When put under load, the GPU will boost its clock speed to handle that load as quickly as possible, but it cannot maintain that faster speed indefinitely: temperature rises, and eventually the clock speed must be reduced again to avoid overheating the device. All of this can make it difficult to reproduce experimental results over multiple runs.

Perhaps the most realistic setting is to just run the kernels and allow temperature moderation to adjust clock rates. Kernels can interfere with each others’ timings, however, as one kernel running at a high clock speed will heat up the device and may force the next kernel to run at a lower clock speed; or vice versa, cool down the device and allow the next kernel to run at a higher clock speed. This makes results more variable across runs. To mitigate this, we interleave launches of the two kernels being compared, i.e. one cuBLAS kernel launch then one custom kernel launch and repeat, giving some control of temperature (control in the experimental sense) via a switchback design.

An alternative is to lock the clock speed to some low value such that temperature never exceeds a threshold at which clock speed must be further reduced. This makes results less variable across runs, at the cost of being less realistic. On the laptop used for these experiments, clock speeds of 1155 MHz at an 80W setting, and 390 MHz at a 40W setting, with a memory speed of 6000 MHz at either setting, can be sustained. With a maximum clock speed of 3110 MHz and memory speed of 9000 MHz, however, these are a considerable slowdown.

A further issue is the context in which kernels are run, especially the state of the L2 cache at launch. In real-world use cases where the matrix multiplication exists among other computations, it is possible that one or both of the input arguments AA and BB are at least partially in L2 cache after preceding kernel launches. This will influence the execution time of the kernel. Lacking a specific context to target for this evaluation, the kernels are measured in isolation instead, flushing the L2 cache between launches.

Following these protocols, we compare performance of the custom kernel and cuBLAS under a few different settings. The following configurations are used:

size trials warmups error
2048 1000 100 0.002
4096 1000 100 0.000
8192 100 10 0.000
16384 100 10 0.000
32768 10 1 0.000

Here, trials is the number of kernel launches that are timed, warmup is the number of kernel launches made but discarded before those trials begin, and error is the maximum absolute difference observed between elements of the output of the two kernels. The latter serves as a check on the implementation of the custom kernel. It should be exactly zero and is so for all sizes except 2048: cuBLAS appears to use a slightly different implementation at this size, presumably to increase parallelism and better occupy the device, whereas no such attempt is made with the custom kernel. Nonetheless, the timing results seem useful and are reported.

At the high end of size (32768), the required memory hits 12 GB (three matrices of size 32768x32768 with four bytes per element, so 4 GB each and 12 GB total). Given that the CUDA driver consumes some small amount of device memory too, the required memory slightly exceeds the physical memory available and virtual memory must be used. Resulting page faults can affect performance considerably, but create an interesting regime for comparison.

We run two sets of experiments:

  1. At 80W and 40W while allowing clock speed and memory speed to vary with temperature moderation. The results for these runs are shown in Figure 2 below (the same figure as at the top of the page, repeated here).
  2. At 80W and 40W while locking the clock speed to 1150 MHz and 390 MHz, respectively, and the memory speed to 6000 MHz. Results for these are shown in Figure 3 below.

Figure 2 (same as Figure 1): Performance in TFLOPS (higher is better) comparing the custom kernel to cuBLAS on multiplication of two square matrices. Results are for two different power levels: 80W and 40W.

Figure 3: Performance in TFLOPS (higher is better) comparing the custom kernel to cuBLAS on multiplication of two square matrices while locking clock and memory speed. Results are for two different power levels and clock speeds: 80W at 1150 MHz, and 40W at 390 MHz, with memory at 6000 MHz in all cases.

Key results:

  1. The custom kernel performs considerably better than cuBLAS for the 32768 case. This is likely the Hilbert curve enabling fewer virtual memory page faults, and better L2 cache utilization overall.

  2. When clock and memory speed are allowed to vary, the custom kernel performs noticeably better than cuBLAS at the 16384 size as well, and about the same at the 8192 size for 40W only.

  3. When clock and memory speed are locked, cuBLAS performs slightly better in all cases other than the 32768 case.


This post presented a high-level summary of work on a CUDA kernel for single-precision matrix-matrix multiplication. It has a couple of interesting inclusions such as a Hilbert curve for assigning thread blocks to tiles that can improve L2 cache utilization, and synchronization across half and quarter thread blocks instead of whole thread blocks.

Follow up posts will go into detail on the tiling strategy, pipelining and synchronization, Hilbert curve scheduling, and fine-grain optimizations.


The full code and instructions for building and running are available on GitHub, under an Apache 2.0 open source license. For a quick read, the main source is included below, but may not be up to date with subsequent changes.

#include <cstdio>
#include <cuda_runtime.h>
#include <cublas_v2.h>
#include <curand.h>

 * Matrix tile in global memory.
 * @tparam R Number of rows.
 * @tparam C Number of columns.
 * @tparam L Stride between columns.
template<int R, int C, int L = R>
requires (R%4 == 0 && L >= R)
union global_tile {
   * Constructor.
  __device__ global_tile(float* x) : x(x) {

   * Constructor.
  template<int R1, int C1, int L1>
  __device__ global_tile(const global_tile<R1,C1,L1>& o, const int i,
      const int j) :
      x(&o.x[i + j*L1]) {

  float* __restrict__ x;
  float4* __restrict__ x4;

 * Matrix tile in shared memory.
 * @tparam R Number of rows.
 * @tparam C Number of columns.
 * @tparam L Stride between columns.
template<int R, int C, int L = R>
requires (R%4 == 0 && L >= R)
union shared_tile {
   * Constructor.
  __device__ shared_tile(float* x) : x(x) {

   * Constructor.
  template<int R1, int C1, int L1>
  __device__ shared_tile(const shared_tile<R1,C1,L1>& o, const int i,
      const int j) :
      x(&o.x[i + j*L1]) {

   * Copy into this tile from global memory using 32-bit loads.
   * @tparam T Number of threads in the group sharing the copy.
   * @param o Global memory tile.
   * @param i0 Row offset in @p o.
   * @param j0 Column offset in @p o.
   * @param tid Id of this thread within the group sharing the copy.
  template<int T, int R1, int C1, int L1>
  requires (T%R == 0)
  __device__ void copy(const global_tile<R1,C1,L1>& o, const int i0,
      const int j0, const int tid) {
    int dst0 = __cvta_generic_to_shared(x);
    int i = tid%R;
    int j1 = tid/R;
    for (int s = 0; s < R*C/T; ++s) {
      int j = j1 + s*(T/R);
      int dst = dst0 + (i + j*L)*sizeof(float);
      const float* src = &o.x[i0 + i + (j0 + j)*L1];
      asm(" [%0], [%1], %2;" :: "r"(dst), "l"(src),

   * Copy into this tile from global memory using 128-bit loads.
   * @tparam T Number of threads in the group sharing the copy.
   * @param o Global memory tile.
   * @param i0 Row offset in @p o.
   * @param j0 Column offset in @p o.
   * @param tid Id of this thread within the group sharing the copy.
  template<int T, int R1, int C1, int L1>
  requires (R%4 == 0 && L%4 == 0 && L1%4 == 0) && (T%(R/4) == 0)
  __device__ void copy4(const global_tile<R1,C1,L1>& o, const int i0,
      const int j0, const int tid) {
    int dst0 = __cvta_generic_to_shared(x4);
    int i = tid%(R/4);
    int j1 = tid/(R/4);
    for (int s = 0; s < R*C/4/T; ++s) {
      int j = j1 + s*(T/(R/4));
      int dst = dst0 + (i + j*(L/4))*sizeof(float4);
      const float4* src = &o.x4[i0 + i + (j0 + j)*(L1/4)];
      asm(" [%0], [%1], %2;" :: "r"(dst), "l"(src),

   * Copy into this tile from global memory using 32-bit loads, with
   * transpose.
   * @tparam T Number of threads participating in the copy.
   * @param o Global memory tile.
   * @param i0 Row offset in @p o.
   * @param j0 Column offset in @p o.
   * @param tid Thread id within the group.
  template<int T, int R1, int C1, int L1>
  requires (T%C == 0)
  __device__ void copy_transpose(const global_tile<R1,C1,L1>& o, const int i0,
      const int j0, const int tid) {
    int dst0 = __cvta_generic_to_shared(x);
    int i = tid%C;
    int j1 = tid/C;
    for (int s = 0; s < C*R/T; ++s) {
      int j = j1 + s*(T/C);
      int dst = dst0 + (j + i*L)*sizeof(float);
      const float* src = &o.x[i0 + i + (j0 + j)*L1];
      asm(" [%0], [%1], %2;" :: "r"(dst),
          "l"(src), "n"(sizeof(float)));

  float* __restrict__ x;
  float4* __restrict__ x4;

 * Matrix tile in registers.
 * @tparam R Number of rows.
 * @tparam C Number of columns.
template<int R, int C>
union register_tile {
   * Load from a shared memory tile.
  template<int R1, int C1, int L1>
  __device__ void load(const shared_tile<R1,C1,L1>& o, const int i0,
      const int j0) {
    for (int j = 0; j < C; ++j) {
      for (int i = 0; i < R; ++i) {
        x[i + j*R] = o.x[i0 + i + (j0 + j)*L1];

   * Load from a shared memory tile.
  template<int R1, int C1, int L1>
  requires (R%4 == 0 && L1%4 == 0)
  __device__ void load4(const shared_tile<R1,C1,L1>& o, const int i0,
      const int j0) {
    for (int j = 0; j < C; ++j) {
      for (int i = 0; i < R/4; ++i) {
        x4[i + j*(R/4)] = o.x4[i0 + i + (j0 + j)*(L1/4)];

   * Store to a global memory tile.
  template<int R1, int C1, int L1>
  __device__ void store(global_tile<R1,C1,L1>& o, const int i0,
      const int j0) {
    for (int j = 0; j < C; ++j) {
      for (int i = 0; i < R; ++i) {
        o.x[i0 + i + (j0 + j)*L1] = x[i + j*R];

   * Store to a global memory tile.
  template<int R1, int C1, int L1>
  requires (R%4 == 0 && L1%4 == 0)
  __device__ void store4(global_tile<R1,C1,L1>& o, const int i0,
      const int j0) {
    for (int j = 0; j < C; ++j) {
      for (int i = 0; i < R/4; ++i) {
        /* when storing, write through so as not to evict useful data from
          * inputs from the L2 cache */
        __stwt(&o.x4[i0 + i + (j0 + j)*(L1/4)], x4[i + j*(R/4)]);

   * Multiply and add.
   * @param A First argument.
   * @param B Second argument.
   * Computes $AB$ and adds to this tile.
  template<int K>
  __device__ void mad(const register_tile<R,K>& A,
      const register_tile<K,C>& B) {
    for (int k = 0; k < K; ++k) {
      for (int j = 0; j < C; ++j) {
        for (int i = 0; i < R; ++i) {
          x[i + j*R] += A.x[i + k*R]*B.x[k + j*K];

   * Multiply and add, with transpose of second argument.
   * @param A First argument.
   * @param B Second argument.
   * Computes $AB^\top$ and adds to this tile.
  template<int K>
  __device__ void mad_transpose(const register_tile<R,K>& A,
      const register_tile<C,K>& B) {
    for (int k = 0; k < K; ++k) {
      for (int j = 0; j < C; ++j) {
        for (int i = 0; i < R; ++i) {
          x[i + j*R] += A.x[i + k*R]*B.x[j + k*C];

  float x[R*C]{0};
  float4 x4[R*C/4];

 * Two-dimensional point.
struct point2 { int i, j; };

 * Coordinates for a given serial index along a two-dimensional Hilbert curve.
 * @tparam M Number of rows.
 * @tparam N Number of columns.
 * @param s Serial index.
 * @return Coordinates.
template<int M, int N>
requires (M == N || M == N/2)
__device__ point2 hilbert2(const int s) {
  int i = 0, j = 0;
  int t = s;
  for (int k = 1; k < max(M, N); k *= 2) {
    int bi = 1 & (t/2);  // local gray code, u shape top left to bottom left
    int bj = 1 & (t ^ bi);
    if (bj == 0) {
      if (bi == 1) {
        i = k - 1 - i;  // flip up-down
        j = k - 1 - j;  // flip left-right
      int tmp = i;  // transpose
      i = j;
      j = tmp;
    i += k*bi;
    j += k*bj;
    t /= 4;
  return {i, j};

 * Difference between two matrices.
 * @tparam M Number of rows.
 * @tparam N Number of columns.
 * @param C Matrix.
 * @param D Matrix.
 * @return Maximum absolute element-wise difference.
template<int M, int N>
float diff(const float* C, const float* D) {
  float mx = 0.0;
  for (int j = 0; j < N; ++j) {
    for (int i = 0; i < M; ++i) {
      mx = std::max(mx, std::abs(C[i + j*M] - D[i + j*M]));
  return mx;

 * Matrix-matrix multiplication kernel.
 * @tparam M Number of rows of $A$ and $C$.
 * @tparam N Number of columns of $B$ and $C$.
 * @tparam K Number of columns of $A$ and rows of $B$.
 * @param A Matrix $A$.
 * @param B Matrix $B$.
 * @param C Matrix $C$.
 * Computes $C = AB$.
template<int M, int N, int K>
__global__ void gemm_kernel(float* __restrict__ A, float* __restrict__ B,
    float* __restrict__ C) {
  /* config */
  constexpr int nthreads = 256;      // number of threads per block
  constexpr int wsize = 32;          // number of threads per warp
  constexpr int nstages = 4;  // number of asynchronous pipeline stages

  /* level 0 tile size (original matrices in global memory) */
  constexpr int M0 = M;
  constexpr int N0 = N;
  constexpr int K0 = K;

  /* level 1 tile size (global memory, thread block level) */
  constexpr int M1 = 256;
  constexpr int N1 = 128;
  constexpr int K1 = K0;

  /* level 2 tile size (shared memory, thread block level) */
  constexpr int M2 = 256;
  constexpr int N2 = 128;
  constexpr int K2 = 8;

  /* level 3 tile size (shared memory, warp level) */
  constexpr int M3 = 64;
  constexpr int N3 = 64;
  constexpr int K3 = 8;

  /* level 3 warp grid size */
  constexpr int M3_warps = M2/M3;
  constexpr int N3_warps = N2/N3;

  /* level 4 tile size (registers, thread level) */
  constexpr int M4 = 4;
  constexpr int N4 = 16;
  constexpr int K4 = 1;

  /* level 4 thread grid size */
  constexpr int M4_threads = 8;
  constexpr int N4_threads = 4;

  /* thread and warp ids */
  const int b_id = blockIdx.x;       // id of this block within the grid
  const int w_id = threadIdx.x/32;   // id of this warp within its block
  const int t_id = threadIdx.x%32;   // id of this thread within its warp
  const int row_id = w_id%M3_warps;  // id of row handled warp at level 3
  const int col_id = w_id/M3_warps;  // id of column handled warp at level 3

  /* barrier ids associated with the row and column handled by the warp */
  const int row_barrier = row_id;
  const int col_barrier = M3_warps + col_id;

  /* level 0 tiles (original matrices) */
  global_tile<M0,K0> A0(A);
  global_tile<K0,N0> B0(B);
  global_tile<M0,N0> C0(C);

  /* level 1 tiles */
  auto [b_i, b_j] = hilbert2<M0/M1,N0/N1>(b_id);
  global_tile<M1,K1,M0> A1(A0, b_i*M1, 0);
  global_tile<K1,N1,K0> B1(B0, 0, b_j*N1);
  global_tile<M1,N1,M0> C1(C0, b_i*M1, b_j*N1);

  /* level 3 buffers (B is transposed) */
  __shared__ float A_shared[M3_warps][nstages][M3*K3];
  __shared__ float BT_shared[N3_warps][nstages][N3*K3];

  /* level 4 tiles */
  register_tile<M4,N4> C4[N3/N4/N4_threads][M3/M4/M4_threads];

  /* multiply */
  const int r_id = t_id + row_id*wsize;
  const int c_id = t_id + col_id*wsize;
  for (int stage = 0; stage < nstages - 1; ++stage) {
    /* inlining the level 2 tiles here improves performance, possibly because
     * the loop is unrolled and may save 64-bit pointer operations; see below
     * for situation where inlining does not improve performance */
    shared_tile<N3,K3> BT3(BT_shared[col_id][stage]);
    BT3.copy_transpose<nthreads/N3_warps>(B1, stage*K2, col_id*N3, r_id);

    shared_tile<M3,K3> A3(A_shared[row_id][stage]);
    A3.copy4<nthreads/M3_warps>(A1, row_id*(M3/4), stage*K2, c_id);


  const int B_offset = t_id/M4_threads*N4;
  const int A_offset = t_id%M4_threads*M4;

  for (int k2 = 0; k2 < K1/K2; ++k2) {
    asm("cp.async.wait_group %0;" :: "n"(nstages - 2));
    asm("barrier.sync.aligned %0, %1;" :: "r"(col_barrier), "n"(nthreads/N3_warps));
    asm("barrier.sync.aligned %0, %1;" :: "r"(row_barrier), "n"(nthreads/M3_warps));

    shared_tile<N3,K3> BT3(BT_shared[col_id][k2%nstages] + B_offset);
    shared_tile<M3,K3> A3(A_shared[row_id][k2%nstages] + A_offset);
    for (int k4 = 0; k4 < K3/K4; ++k4) {
      for (int j4 = 0; j4 < N3/N4/N4_threads; ++j4) {
        register_tile<N4,K4> BT4;
        BT4.load4(BT3, j4*(N4_threads*N4/4), k4*K4);
        for (int i4 = 0; i4 < M3/M4/M4_threads; ++i4) {
          register_tile<M4,K4> A4;
          A4.load4(A3, i4*(M4_threads*M4/4), k4*K4);
          C4[j4][i4].mad_transpose(A4, BT4);

    /* inlining the level 2 tiles here *does not* improve performance,
     * possibly because the loop on k2 is not unrolled */
    int next_k = (k2 + (nstages - 1))%(K1/K2);
    int next_stage = (k2 + (nstages - 1))%nstages;

    global_tile<K2,N2,K0> next_B2(B1, next_k*K2, col_id*N3);
    shared_tile<N3,K3> next_BT3(BT_shared[col_id][next_stage]);
    next_BT3.copy_transpose<nthreads/N3_warps>(next_B2, 0, 0, r_id);

    global_tile<M2,K2,M0> next_A2(A1, row_id*M3, next_k*K2);
    shared_tile<M3,K3> next_A3(A_shared[row_id][next_stage]);
    next_A3.copy4<nthreads/M3_warps>(next_A2, 0, 0, c_id);


  /* write final result */
  global_tile<M3,N3,M0> C3(C1, row_id*M3 + A_offset, col_id*N3 + B_offset);
  for (int j4 = 0; j4 < N3/N4/N4_threads; ++j4) {
    for (int i4 = 0; i4 < M3/M4/M4_threads; ++i4) {
      C4[j4][i4].store4(C3, i4*(M4_threads*M4/4), j4*(N4_threads*N4));

 * Matrix-matrix multiplication.
 * @tparam M Number of rows of $A$ and $C$.
 * @tparam N Number of columns of $B$ and $C$.
 * @tparam K Number of columns of $A$ and rows of $B$.
 * @param A Matrix $A$.
 * @param B Matrix $B$.
 * @param C Matrix $C$.
 * Computes $C = AB$.
template<int M, int N, int K>
void gemm(float* __restrict__ A, float* __restrict__ B,
    float* __restrict__ C) {
  dim3 block(256);
  dim3 grid((M/256)*(N/128));
  gemm_kernel<M,N,K><<<grid,block>>>(A, B, C);

int main(int argc, char** argv) {
  /* initialize cublas */
  cublasHandle_t handle;

  /* initialize curand */
  constexpr int seed = 1;
  curandGenerator_t gen;
  curandCreateGenerator(&gen, CURAND_RNG_PSEUDO_DEFAULT);
  curandSetPseudoRandomGeneratorSeed(gen, seed);

  auto run_test = [&]<int M, int N, int K, int ntrials, int nwarmup>() {
    /* initialize matrices; the output matrices, C and D, are allocated with
     * managed memory to support problem sizes somewhat beyond the available
     * device memory, while ensuring that the input matrices, A and B, are
     * always on device, which is more important for performance */
    float *A, *B, *C, *D;
    cudaMalloc((void**)&A, M*K*sizeof(float));
    cudaMalloc((void**)&B, K*N*sizeof(float));
    cudaMallocManaged((void**)&C, M*N*sizeof(float));
    cudaMallocManaged((void**)&D, M*N*sizeof(float));
    curandGenerateUniform(gen, A, M*K);
    curandGenerateUniform(gen, B, K*N);

    /* initialize events */
    cudaEvent_t start1[ntrials], stop1[ntrials];
    cudaEvent_t start2[ntrials], stop2[ntrials];
    for (int trial = 0; trial < ntrials; ++trial) {

    /* number of floating point operations for TFLOPS numbers; each output
     * has M*N elements, each computed from K multiplications and K - 1
     * additions */
    constexpr long flop = M*N*(2l*K - 1l);

    /* benchmark */
    float scalar0 = 0.0f, scalar1 = 1.0f;
    for (int trial = 0; trial < nwarmup; ++trial) {
      cublasSgemm(handle, CUBLAS_OP_N, CUBLAS_OP_N, M, N, K, &scalar1, A, M,
          B, K, &scalar0, C, M);
      gemm<M,N,K>(A, B, D);
    for (int trial = 0; trial < ntrials; ++trial) {
      cudaMemPrefetchAsync(C, M*N*sizeof(float), 0);
      curandGenerateUniform(gen, C, M*N);  // clear, but also flush L2 cache
      cublasSgemm(handle, CUBLAS_OP_N, CUBLAS_OP_N, M, N, K, &scalar1, A, M,
          B, K, &scalar0, C, M);

      cudaMemPrefetchAsync(D, M*N*sizeof(float), 0);
      curandGenerateUniform(gen, D, M*N);  // clear, but also flush L2 cache
      gemm<M,N,K>(A, B, D);

    /* results */
    float ms, ms1 = 0.0f, ms2 = 0.0f;
    for (int trial = 0; trial < ntrials; ++trial) {
      cudaEventElapsedTime(&ms, start1[trial], stop1[trial]);
      ms1 += ms;

      cudaEventElapsedTime(&ms, start2[trial], stop2[trial]);
      ms2 += ms;
    ms1 /= ntrials;
    ms2 /= ntrials;
    float tflops1 = flop/ms1/1.0e9f;
    float tflops2 = flop/ms2/1.0e9f;
    float error = diff<M,M>(C, D);    

    /* report results */
    std::printf("| %6d | %6d | %6d | %11.3f | %11.3f | %15.3f | %15.3f | %6d | %9.3f |\n",
        M, N, K, ms1, ms2, tflops1, tflops2, ntrials, error);

    /* destroy events */
    for (int trial = 0; trial < ntrials; ++trial) {

    /* free memory */

  /* table header */
  std::printf("|      M |      N |      K | cublas (ms) | custom (ms) | cublas (tflops) | custom (tflops) | trials |       err |\n");
  std::printf("| -----: | -----: | -----: | ----------: | ----------: | --------------: | --------------: | -----: | :-------: |\n");

  /* run tests and report */
  run_test.template operator()<2048,2048,2048,100,10>();
  run_test.template operator()<4096,4096,4096,100,10>();
  run_test.template operator()<8192,8192,8192,100,10>();
  run_test.template operator()<16384,16384,16384,100,10>();

  return 0;