Lawrence is a research scientist and software engineer with over 20 years experience in industry and academia. His interests include probabilistic machine learning, high-performance computing, and real-world applications. He mostly codes in C++ for open source projects and blogs about it here, with some photography and creative writing in the mix.
In 2024, Lawrence relocated to Bangkok and now works there independently. He was previously Senior Manager of Research Science at Uber in San Francisco (2019–2024), where he worked on forecasting, pricing and incentives, and a senior research scientist at Uppsala University (2016–2018), Oxford University (2014–2016), and CSIRO in Perth, Australia (2009–2014), where he worked in computational statistics, machine learning, probabilistic programming, GPU computing, and applications such as marine biogeochemistry, soil carbon, and epidemiology. He has a Ph.D. in informatics from the University of Edinburgh (2005–2009) with his thesis on Sequential Monte Carlo methods for learning process models in Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging, and an honours degree in software engineering from the Australian National University (2001–2004).
The best way to get in touch is by email, [email protected].